Rabu, 16 November 2016

Hexa Core 2.0

Many Windows user probably have ever heard or even tried Rainmeter, a simple program which can give you a vast number of amazing desktop gadget. Ranging from the very simple to the most complex and colourful.

Just a few days ago I released my very own Rainmeter skin, download link below. Among the great things from Rainmeter is its customizability. Here, I will explain and help users to customize the Hexa Core skin to better suit their liking.

How to edit the skin?

First things first, to edit the skin: Right click anywhere on the skin --> choose "Edit Skin"

This will open up Hexa's .ini file, where the editing can be done. To change the skin, just edit the variables in the part I call "Customization Zone". I have grouped the variables to hopefully make it easier. Be sure to experiment!

- The base button design, on the //MAIN BUTTON// section
- The Icon caption, on the //CAPTION// section
- The Icon caption colours, on the //CAPTION COLOURS// section
- The Harddisk path, on the //HARDDISK// section
- The Icon itself, on the //ICON// section. Check your Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Hexa\Hexa Core directory to see what Icons are available
- The colour of the icon and base button, on the //TINT// section
- The caption font, on the //GENERAL FONT & COLOUR// section
- The URL or command for the button, on the //COMMAND// section

How to change the music player?

To change the music player, remember that the player is separate from the Hexa Core. So right click on the player and select Edit Skin. You will see something like this


You need to change the "Player" parameter from CAD to the code for your player. Different player can have different code, for list of available players and their respective code, please check on the Rainmeter's manual site, or just google it

How to use custom Icons?

If you want to use your very own Icon, first move or copy them to Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Hexa\Hexa Core directory. Next, well, as mentioned above just change the variable in the //ICON// section

Someone has reported that on using a custom icon, the position can be incorrect. I'm gonna need some time to investigate further.

How do I draw my Icons?

Another question I've seen is how I draw my Icons. Well it's very simple, it's just a flat greyscale design. Pretty sure any graphic design software should be able to draw it. Now to spice things up, I did add some effect to the flat design, that is, drop shadow effect and 60% Opacity. Here's the setting for the shadow effect. Even if you aren't using photoshop, hopefully it'll give you an idea on how to imitate it

If you have any question, just leave a comment

Download link: http://musthaf9.deviantart.com/art/Hexa-Core-2-0-631872807

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